Hi, I'm Gavin, a Full-Stack Developer specializing in building scalable web applications using Node.js, Express, and MySQL. I'm also proficient in C++, JavaScript, and Python. I am located in the Bay Area. I currently have an Associate in Science (AS), Emphasis in Computer Science, and am still pursuing a higher education.
Tradez is a marketplace for buying, selling, and trading secondhand clothing. Built using Node.js and Express, it integrates Stripe for payments and ShipEngine for shipping automation.
Bunked is a mobile-optimized roommate matching application engineered to facilitate seamless connections between individuals seeking compatible living arrangements. Architected with a robust Node.js and Express backend, Bunked utilizes MySQL for efficient relational data management and WebSockets to enable real-time communication within the platform.
I developed a Python-based Telegram bot on an Ubuntu server to facilitate the buying of high-value Instagram usernames. I also sell a premium software suite written in Python to claim these usernames. I offer three tiers—Checker ($20) for availability monitoring, Checker & Claimer ($75) for automatic claiming, and Premium Checker & Claimer ($300) with proxy rotation to avoid spam detection and support for multiple usernames at once. The bot integrates automated cryptocurrency payments using webhooks, instantly delivering purchases and demonstrating advanced Python, server management, automation, proxy handling, and secure payment integration.